
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi everyone!  I have never blogged before, and to be honest I am quite nervous.  I feel like I never have much to say when typing, I hardly update my facebook status at all much less have I ever had my own blog.  It’s funny because my whole life I have been told by teachers, my parents, and sometimes even friends that maybe I have just a little too much to say at times, but as I sit here trying figure out more things to ramble on about I realize I am not blogger material.  Oh well, you all will have to get used to it. (I watched Julia and Julie so I have some experience really)  I wanted to say in my first post that I am so excited I have been blessed with the opportunity to go on this trip.  I do not think I have ever had this many emotions running through my mind, but I am loving it.  I am waiting in suspense to see where GoD decides I should go, but also looking forward to meeting up with my fellow team members in georgia! 
 It is actually very weird thinking about how next year all my friends wiill be going off to colleges and finding roommates, but I know in the bottom of my heart that I made the right choice to go in this trip.  I also know God will do amazing things through me and all my other fellow members of the trip. If you have heard anything about the trip you know I will be going to 3 different continents- Central America, Asia, and Africa with a group of about 20 people for 9 months.  I hope that whatever I end up doing in these countries will help impact many peoples lives. Right now all I have to say is that your prayers and financial donations would be greatly appreciated and I hope you have a wonderful night!  I keep using the word you…I don’t really know who the you is because I have no idea who will end up reading this, but whoever “you” are thanks for your time and thanks for reading my really lame blog, your the best. 
Ok blogging is kinda fun..maybe I’ll learn to like it…Anyways all the tips on blogging said to keep it short so peace out!