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The Thankful Game

Hey everybody, updating my blog finally from Atlantic Airport! Today, I wanted to dedicate this blog to all who have helped me get to this place in my life.  A few days ago at launch in Gainesville, Nick, one of our American contacts, gave a sermon that really impacted how I appreciate the things I am blessed with.  He told us about the "Thankful Game", which is basically listing things that you are thankful for.  In my mind I thought "yea yea, I do that all the time, I'm thankful enough."  Then he added on "What if you woke up tomorrow and only had the things you thanked God for yesterday". Wow.  For some reason listening to that was like someone just smacked me..If that had been the case the day I heard the sermon I would literally have nothing.  Then I began thinking of all that my parents have done for me.  If you are reading this and don't know my family I'll give you a few stats from the Adams family.  

There are 11 kids in my family, soon to be 12. 7 are adopted from various Asian countries.  We all were blessed with a private christian schooling. My dad works nightshifts all the time but still finds time to coach my brothers little league team, makes time for camp outs with my siblings, drives us to and from school, and makes it to almost all sporting events.( which is incredibly impressive when 9 of his children were or are involved in sports.) He has also showed me what true love looks like, he is entirely in love with my mother and makes it almost hopeless for any guy to live up to the standards he has set for my future husband.  My Mom is the legit super mom, she never complains about having to cook for so many people, and also cooks a home cooked meal every night so our family can eat together, this will be done while helping 6 children with homework, reading, giving a spelling test, and checking hair for lice.  I'm telling you this woman is mom of the millennium, she does so much I could never explain it all in a short blog post.  But the one thing I am most thankful for is the way they raised me, God was always a part of my childhood, even when I didn't want him to be.  Sorry, I could rant about how amazing my parents are for hours, but I am getting sidetracked.  To sum up this blog, I really would just like to say how thankful I am for having the parents that God gave me.

 Without them I would not be who I am today, and from now on I will ALWAYS try to thanks God for blessing me with two of his most loyal disciples as parents.  Thank you so much Mom and Dad, I love you and miss you.

     I would also like to thank my friends and family for supporting me through my decision to do this trip and making donations, without them i would not be able to complete this amazing journey.  I can tell that God is going to do some amazing things on this trip and I am so excited to see all that He has in store for us.   

Thanks, Bekah

p.s.- try to play the thankful game today…you'll be amazed at how much God has given you 🙂